Ass. dr sci. med. Marijana Milović-Kovačević


Ass. dr sci. med. Marijana Milović-Kovačević


  • 1997 she graduated from basic studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2004 Master’s degree at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade (“Monitoring of the nephrotoxic effect of various aminoglycosides during febrile neutropenia caused by cytotoxic therapy”)
  • 2005 specialization in Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2010 she received her doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade (“Effect of ERCC1 protein expression level on resistance to platinum regimens in ovarian cancer”)
  • 2015 subspecialization in oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade

Work experience:

  • Since 1999, medical oncologist, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Clinic for Medical Oncology, Department of Breast Cancer and Gynecology

Dr sci. med. Ivana Božović Spasojević


Dr sci. med. Ivana Božović Spasojević


  • 1999 She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Pristina. As a student of the generation
  • In 2005, she defended her master’s thesis under the title: “Empirical validation of clinical response in the treatment of patients with febrile neutropenia”, under the supervision of mentor prof. Ranka Samardžić and the commentator of the Scientific Advisor Dr. Snežana Bošnjak
  • 2007 Dr. Ivana completed her specialization in Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade
  • In 2017, she completed a subspecialization in Clinical Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, defending the thesis titled: “Therapeutic response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with anthracyclines, or sequentially with anthracyclines and taxanes with or without trastuzumab in patients with locally advanced breast cancer”, with the mentor prof. Radan Dzodic

Work experience:

  • Since 2001, he has been working at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology (IORS) of Serbia
  • 2009 – 2012 she stayed as a research associate at the Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels, under a scholarship awarded by the TransBIG consortium under the auspices of the European FP7 program, under the mentorship of Professor Fatima Cardoso and Professor Martine Piccart.


  • member of the Republican Expert Commission for Oncology
  • member of the organizational board of young oncologists of Serbia, which belongs to the European Association of Medical Oncologists
  • member by invitation of the Agency for Medicines in the area of ​​registration of oncological medicines in the Republic of Serbia
  • member of the Ethics Committee of Serbia


As the first author, Dr. Božović-Spasojević published several review and original works in leading oncology journals, of which the original work is entitled Concurrent Use of Anthracyclines and Trastuzumab in the Neoadjuvant Treatment of Breast Cancer: Is it really safe? published in Lancet Oncology 2011.