Ass. dr sci. med. Milan Marinković


Ass. dr sci. med. Milan Marinković


  • In 2011, he obtained the title of Doctor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade
  • 2020 specialist in internal medicine
  • In 2022, he defended his doctoral thesis in the field of cardiology (arrhythmology, atrial fibrillation), earning the title of Doctor of Science.

Work experience:

  • 2011 Clinic for cardiology, deals with invasive electrophysiology of the heart and catheter ablations at the Department of Invasive Electrophysiology, Clinical Center of Serbia
  • In 2021, he acquires the title of assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade

Professional training:

Training Program, Research institute of circulation pathology Meshalkin, Novosibirsk, 2016
Pediatric and congenital interventional EP curriculum (Brompton Royal Hospital – London, Leiden University, Bergamo, Barcelona), 2018.
Interventional EP Curriculum, Ventricular tachycardia Module (San Rafaele – Milan), 2021.

Memberships and publications:

He is a member of the European Association of Cardiologists, the European Association for Heart Rhythm Disorders and the Association of Cardiologists of Serbia.

He is the author and co-author of 130 works in their entirety, 37 of which are indexed in the JCR list, he is the author of two chapters in textbooks and books on cardiology. Participant of a large number of foreign and domestic congresses, where he held several invited lectures in the field of heart rhythm disorders. He was an active participant in a number of highly specialized courses in invasive electrophysiology in the country and abroad.

Special interest:

arrhythmology and invasive heart electrophysiology.