Ass. Prim. dr sci. med. Goran Đuričić

- 2001 Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
- 2005 – 2009 specialization in radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
- In 2010, he completed his master’s postgraduate studies in Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade.
- 2018 PhD: “The importance of multifractal analysis of magnetic resonance images in the assessment of response to chemotherapy in primary bone neoplasms”. Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
Work experience:
- since 2003, a doctor at the Diagnostic Center of the University Children’s Clinic in Belgrade
- since 2009 specialist in radiology
- since 2010 a narrower interest in musculoskeletal radiology
- since 2012, he has been participating in a professional project entitled: “Evaluation of the effect of the biphasic Agili-C™ implant on cartilage regeneration and osteochondral defects” (MRI exams)
- from 2018 – 2023 participates in a professional project entitled: “A prospective Multicenter Open-label Randomized Controlled Trial of Agili-C™ vs. Surgical Standard of Care (SSOC) for the Treatment of Joint Surface Lesions of the Knee” (does MRI exams)
- appointed by the Council for Specialist Education of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade as a mentor for part of the specialist internship in the field of diagnosis of sports injuries at the Department of Sports Medicine; Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade.
- since 2018 consultant at Ars Medica Beograd
Academic positions:
- In 2018, he was awarded the title of Primarius by the Serbian Medical Association
- In 2019, he was elected to the position of clinical assistant at the Department of Radiology; Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
Advanced training:
Pediatric Radiology seminar, July 17-23, 2011. Salzburg, Austria
4th Live Arthroscopy Festival, Current concept and controversies in arthroscopic knee, shoulder and elbow surgery. 2011. Portorož, Slovenia
49th Annual Meeting and 35th Postgraduate Course of ESPR, 2012, Athens, Greece
Summer School on Image Processing (SSIP 2012); Medical Image Analysis, Visualization and Retrieval – at Technical University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna, 2012. Vienna, Austria
Division of Pediatric Radiology and Research Unit of Digital information and Imaging Processing, both Department of Radiology, Medical University (Fellowship three months special focus on musculo-skeletal imaging) 2013, Graz, Austria
50th Annual Meeting and 36th Postgraduate Course of the European Society of Pediatric Radiology on June 3-7, 2013, Budapest, Hungary
Introduction to Scientific Working – remote teaching course Universitatsklinikum 2015 Graz, Austria
52nd Annual Meeting and 38th Postgraduate Course of the European Society of Pediatric Radiology on June 2 – 6, 2015, Graz, Austria
EMSOS 2017 – 30th Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course of the European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society, 2017, Budapest, Hungary
53rd Annual Meeting & 39th Post Graduate Course of ESPR 2017 Davos, Switzerland
European Society of Musculosceletal Radiology SpA Workshop ESSR June 27 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
“Shoulder imaging” course of the musculoskeletal radiology section of the HDR-HLZ and special hospitals of St. Katarina, Zagreb, 8 – 9 November 2019. Republic of Croatia.
ESSR Sports Imaging Course & 3 Rostock Summer School Sports in Spotlight, August 23-30.2020 Rostock, Germany
European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiologists (ESSR)
European Association of Pediatric Oncologists (SIOP Europe)
Member and local coordinator of CEEPUS (“Central European Exchange Program for University Studies”)
Telecommunications Committee of the World Federation of Pediatric Imaging (WFPI)
European Society of Pediatric Radiologists (ESPR)
European Society of Radiologists (ESR)
IGISPA Skeletal Imaging subgrou
Field of interest:
Analysis and description of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (MSCT), radiography (x-ray) and ultrasound diagnostics in order to plan treatment, preoperative preparation, post-therapy and postoperative evaluation of the results of the treatment carried out in:
sports and traumatic injuries of the muscular and bone-joint system
inflammatory, rheumatological and degenerative diseases of the bone-joint system
tumor diseases of soft tissues, muscles and bone-joint system
diagnostics of congenital anomalies and skeletal deformities in the pediatric population